Van Nuys Shoplifting Attorney
Fighting Charges of Petty Theft in Los Angeles County
Shoplifting is defined as a person who takes an item or items from a store without purchasing the items first. If the items in question are worth less than $1,000, you could be charged with shoplifting or petty larceny. Although this offense is considered a misdemeanor and carries lesser punishments than felony crimes, it is still imperative that you retain legal counsel. At Law Offices of Scott R. Spindel, our Van Nuys criminal defense attorney can defend you against charges of shoplifting.
Consequences of Shoplifting Charges
Typically, if you are thought to be shoplifting, you may be brought into the back room of the store. You will likely be asked to sign certain documents admitting to the theft before they contact the police. They will then give you a ticket to appear in court for an arraignment. However, if it is not your first offense or the item is valued above a certain amount, you could face more serious penalties.
The consequences you could face for this crime include:
- Community service
- Fines
- Probation
- Up to one year in jail
Hire Experienced Legal Counsel
If you have been charged with shoplifting, it is important that you speak with a Van Nuys theft crime attorney as soon as possible. Once somebody makes a complaint, it is out of the store worker's or company's ability to determine what is going to happen with the case. We can help you assess the situation and assert your rights. Whether a simple mistake or a case of mistaken identity, we are committed to fighting aggressively for you.
Requesting the services of our firm as soon after the incident allows us to speak with the store before they take further legal action and the case proceeds. Don’t plead guilty to an offense without first consulting with our firm, where we have tremendous experience defending shoplifting cases.
Request a free consultation from a Van Nuys shoplifting lawyer, call us now at (818) 797-9212.