Scott Spindel Provides the Knowledge & Experience Your Case Requires-
Why Do I Need a Criminal Defense Attorney?Criminal defense attorneys deal directly with you and your family’s personal future. This can involve jail time, the loss of your freedoms, or the loss of a professional license. It is important to retain representation to have a legal advocate to protect your future.
How Do Criminal Defense Attorneys and DUI Attorneys Differ?Most lawyers will specialize or focus their practice on a specific area of the law. While a DUI attorney handles cases that primarily involve driving under the influence, criminal defense lawyers are able to handle a wide range of criminal cases.
What Are the Penalties for a Sex Offense Conviction?The exact consequences of a crime depend on the details of the offense. If you are convicted of a sex crime, you could be facing time in prison, mandatory probation, community service, and sex offender registry, among other penalties.
Are Crimes Against Children Penalized Heavily?Absolutely. The law considers any crimes committed against children to be very serious and prosecutes and penalizes them severely. Depending on the nature of the offense, you could face years in prison on top of other serious consequences.
Can I Get in Serious Trouble for Drug Possession?Yes. You could find yourself facing serious charges and penalties, depending on the amount and type of drug. Most charges involving controlled substances and illegal drugs carry heavy consequences.
Is It worth Getting a Dui Lawyer in California?Yes, it's highly recommended to hire a DUI lawyer in California. The consequences of a DUI conviction can be severe, including heavy fines, jail time, loss of driving privileges, and a criminal record. A skilled lawyer can help navigate the complex legal system, possibly reduce charges, and advocate for the best possible outcome.
Will I Go to Jail for a DUI Conviction?If this is your first offense or arrest for DUI and you have not been arrested before, the first concern on your mind may be whether you will go to jail. You should know that in most counties, jail is not required as a penalty for first offense DUI in Los Angeles County.
If I Was Drinking and Drove, Am I Automatically Guilty?No, it is not against the law to have a drink and drive. It is illegal to drive while impaired, or if your blood alcohol level (BAC) is at or above .08 percent. Even then, the prosecution must prove that you were impaired and was above the legal limit beyond a reasonable doubt.
Should I Hire a Lawyer Who Specializes in DUI Defense?It is highly advisable to hire an attorney who has expertise and experience in the area of law which you are in trouble. Because of the complex, technical, and scientific nature of DUI cases, having an experienced Los Angeles County DUI attorney on your side is important.
What Will Happen to My License?Your privilege to drive may be suspended or revoked, depending on the circumstances surrounding your case. When you hire our firm to represent you, we'll do everything in our power to fight for your license and driving privileges.
Should I Agree to Take a Chemical Test? What Happens If I Refuse?
Under California law, you must submit to a chemical test if the officer believes you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you refuse the test, you may have your license suspended for up to one year and could face other penalties.
Our office specializes in DUI cases and can develop a defense strategy on your behalf to minimize or drop all charges. No matter how overwhelming the evidence may seem, we are here to help.
Is a DUI a Felony in California?
Typically, a DUI is considered a misdemeanor offense in California. However, if you have at least three prior DUI convictions within the last 10 years, a fourth offense will be charged as a felony.
Additionally, you could be charged with a felony DUI if you have been previously convicted of a felony DUI, your DUI caused an accident that resulted in serious injuries, or your DUI caused another person’s death. Remember, the 10-year lookback period does not apply to felony DUIs.
At the Law Offices of Scott R. Spinel, our Los Angeles County DUI attorney will do whatever it takes to reduce the charge to a misdemeanor or the penalties associated with a felony DUI, or even get your entire case dismissed.